The house has kept us busy, what with all the rain we've been having here in south central Pennsylvania, and all the water we've had in the house. Much in the basement, some on the second floor, from the chimney. I've even dreamed about floods, and I don't sleep well when it is raining. Not because I am afraid of storms, but I'm so worried about water in the house.

We finally got the sidewalk poured, so that is all done. Wait, did I forget to tell you all about that? Okay, I've got pictures, so that post will be coming soon. But we had hoped the large gaping pit that was the dug-out section of sidewalk was the reason for the excessive amount of water in the basement. Unfortunately not. I can go into more detail later.
And remind me to show you my giant rock pile. I have yet to figure out where to store these nice field stones. I've used a small amount as flower bed edging, but there's plenty more. For now they are taking up half of the front walk!
Hmm, what else... Oh, yeah. I left my old job three weeks ago to accept new employment. Where I will get a paycheck in a timely manner. I won't see my last three week's pay from the Commonwealth until the budget is passed. When ever that may be. I'm not holding my breath.
The paycheck is most certainly not the [only] reason I took a new job, but the fact that my position will be eliminated when this budget is finally passed, that was the deciding factor.
So. Quick recap of this summer so far. Dig, dig, rocks, rubble, concrete, rain, rain, rain, basement stream, dry before mold takes hold, interview, rocks, rocks, dig, veg garden, offer and accept new job, rain, rain, rain, more water in basement, sad goodbye to old job and friends, rain, rain, rain, water in basement, sick from nerves, start new job, bargain on Oli food!, rain, rain, rain, water in attic, West Nile carrying mosquitoes in York County, dump standing water daily, rain, rain, rain, giant veg and flower plants, damp basement, rain, rain, rain...