The back bedroom has finally had it's makeover. Ta-da!
I can't believe I started clearing out this room back in November 2009. Then we dropped the ball. Then the room accumulated more junk. And we were pretty much back at square one.
I cleared the room out in a matter of days, and my lovely friends Marc, Josh and Kolby spent an entire Saturday helping me paint.
I didn't have the heart to tell them that I hated the first color I picked out- too little boy's room blue. Sunday morning found me at Sherwin-Williams, picking out another color. I settled on Drizzle, in case anyone is interested. It was my first instinct, but I chickened out and went lighter. Lesson learned.
Well, all that changed this summer. Sadly, our favourite mattress store has closed it's doors for ever. But we did get a terrific bargain on a king size foam mattress. That was motivation enough for me to get moving again.
I cleared the room out in a matter of days, and my lovely friends Marc, Josh and Kolby spent an entire Saturday helping me paint.
So, Lewis and I spent the next two weeks repainting and trying to make all the edges nice and crisp. No small job, as anyone who has ever applied the zillionth coat of paint to plaster in an old house knows. Oliver kept us company. And his bone kept him out of the blue paint.
Finally, we were done. We were able to set up the frame and the mattress, move the dressers back in and then I got down to the fun stuff. Decorating.
Here is my continually evolving design board. As you know if you've been following along, I have the dressers. I also have lamps very much like these two. I purchased the cotton coverlet from WalMart and ordered the ceiling fan through amazon.
I've been trolling etsy to find a seashell wreath like the one above. So far they've been too expensive. I may end up crafting my own. The two doggie prints are from etsy as well.
I'll probably have to wait until next summer to order the sheet sets from L.L. Bean, since they've sold out for the season.
Obviously we need a headboard and we have not yet installed the new fan. That will probably change the lighting in the room. Curtains have yet to be finalized. Lots of little items yet to be settled.
Whew. Well, that's all for today. Maybe some more details in the future.