31 October 2007

thinking of next year's yard and plants...

It's about that time of year, when all the outdoor plants are pretty much dead or in the process of dying off. But not this one:

This group of bushy yellow flowered plants are called Melampodium. I'd never heard of it before, but this spring when picking out seed packets (I always buy way too many), I decided to give it a try. The seedlings came up pretty quickly, but by the time they were ready to transplant, they were looking pretty sickly. I figured, what the heck, I'll stick them in the ground, they might make it. Boy did they ever! I think I planted them too closely, though, because I underestimated them. I think I'll get two packets of Melampodium seeds for next year.

Also still going strong is the Spanish Flag Vine I planted as my first attempt to disguise the chain link fence between my yard and the printing press factory next door.

Other things I want to remember to plant next year:
  • Gazania- Daybreak Mix- they have the prettiest striped petals
  • Cosmos- orange from seeds collected from this year's volunteers
  • Marigolds- also collected seeds from this year's crop- but only yellows and reds, I'm tired of the orange ones, and plenty will come up on their own- they did this year
  • Sweet Millions Cherry Tomato- only one plant this time (mom!)
  • Black-Eyed Susan Vine- I'll try again, I think they could have been tended better
  • Narsturtium- also still going strong right now- didn't really think they would because I had trouble with them last year- this year just tossed a packet of seeds into an empty spot and surprise!
  • White Salvia- so pretty at twilight, and really took off, got big and bushy
Wow, that sounds like it should keep me busy. I'm sure I'll find more by spring....

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