This group of bushy yellow flowered plants are called Melampodium. I'd never heard of it before, but this spring when picking out seed packets (I always buy way too many), I decided to give it a try.
Other things I want to remember to plant next year:
- Gazania- Daybreak Mix- they have the prettiest striped petals
- Cosmos- orange from seeds collected from this year's volunteers
- Marigolds- also collected seeds from this year's crop- but only yellows and reds, I'm tired of the orange ones, and plenty will come up on their own- they did this year
- Sweet Millions Cherry Tomato- only one plant this time (mom!)
- Black-Eyed Susan Vine- I'll try again, I think they could have been tended better
- Narsturtium- also still going strong right now- didn't really think they would because I had trouble with them last year- this year just tossed a packet of seeds into an empty spot and surprise!
- White Salvia- so pretty at twilight, and really took off, got big and bushy
Wow, that sounds like it should keep me busy. I'm sure I'll find more by spring....
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