30 July 2010
This Morning in My Yard
28 July 2010
Lighting the Living Room
And that is when I broke one of them. Dropped that fancy end nut thingy right on the large part. I didn't break the fancy art glass around the edges, but that is more durable. The center looks like regular frosted glass. And while installing the second one, I managed to put a small crack next to the screw hole. Thankfully it is not noticeable.
I've been meaning to take them and get both repaired. Some day. The slightly cracked one has been left up and the really broken one has been packed back in that same box. So, that's 7 years now? It is amazing the little stuff you learn to live with, and even forget until someone points it out.
Nearly all this time the living room fixture was just 3 bare bulbs. It was so off my radar, but it drove Lewis crazy. He wanted to go pick out new shades, but I really wanted to keep the ones I had. Plus, I don't like to spend money on temporary stuff.
So, back in the spring I took my friend Josh on a door-hunting excursion for his house. We had already looked through the antique door stash in my basement. He has made use of two so far, but I didn't have anything else he could use. So we headed to Lancaster and York counties to two wonderful architectural salvage shops I knew of.
Our first stop were these two great old barns in Manheim, called Echoes from the Past. They don't have a web presence at all, this is strictly architectural salvage, old school. Josh scored a couple doors there and was pleased as punch. We went on to the antique shops in Columbia, saw lots of cool stuff (including a beautiful green glass lamp I would love to have it is hasn't sold yet, hint, hint) but no doors for Josh.
We ended our shopping excursion at Historic York's Architectural Warehouse. This place is also loaded with great stuff. It is indoors, the temperature was comfortable, and it is pretty well organized. Josh actually found two doors there that would work, but they needed a bit of tlc and were priced a bit high. The guy at the counter said that prices were negotiable on donated items, but unfortunately not on the consigned items.
This whole long, rambling story does have something to do with my light shades. I found this little lovely in the York store for just $5. It may not even be old, it certainly isn't fancy, but I love starbursts and the price was right.
As you can see, they should both match, or at least coordinate. These two are practically in the same room. But for now, and the foreseeable future, I can live with mismatched shades.
24 July 2010
23 July 2010
Soaker Hose Greatness
It started out with just one run, then we added another and another, totalling 75 feet of soaker hose. This completely covers both beds along the house and the crescent bed. So unlike last year, if I am too hot or tired to stand out in the yard when I get home from work, the plants don't miss a watering. I can just pop outside when I untangle Oli's rope (inevitable) and turn the faucet on low. Leave the soaker on for a few hours, then turn it off.
And when we were away for several days in a row, I'm sure my plants would have wilted completely, except that I was able to leave the soaker on a very slow trickle. Plus I think it is probably a better use of water, wasting less due to evaporation and overspraying. Whenever Oliver sees the hose, he thinks it means play time. I'm sure we waste tons of water just playing. Never during a drought, thought- we are very responsible that way.
We finally had a long day of drizzle and rain showers yesterday, but for about 3 weeks before that it has been pretty dry. Aside from the occasional violent storm, of course, but they are not good for watering.
So, here is my advice. If you have a garden, lay a soaker hose. You won't regret it. But try to do it when you are planting, or just after. We found it a bit more challenging to lay the second two sections because the garden had really taken off by then. It is much easier to weave the hose around small plants.
Now, maybe next year we will finally get a rain barrel, then I can hook the soaker hose up to the rain barrel and all my watering will be taken care of by mother nature, as it is supposed to be. Rainwater is better for plants anyway, they don't care for all the chlorine and other things used to treat our water.
22 July 2010
she does have a tail- it is that blur behind her- couldn't get a picture with out her tail wagging!
Meet Tara. She is a 3 year old golden retriever and just as sweet as can be. My brother's wife works with someone who was moving and needed to find a good home for Tara. I think she'll be happy. They have just moved into their first house, and they have plenty of yard for her to run around. She's very obedient and stays without being on a rope or having a fence. If only Oli could do that.
Tara and Oliver are so great together. I can hardly wait for us to have a fence up so Oli and Tara can run and play in the yard.
21 July 2010
Awaiting the Tomatoes
20 July 2010
Pepper Plants
I think this is my Golden Summer pepper, the first one to appear. It got to this size and has just been hanging out there. I couldn't tell when it would be ready, so I looked it up. It has been this color for a while, but I guess it still has some color changing to do.
Golden Summer Bell Pepper- lime green to light yellow to golden orange-yellow
This one is a good size and has also looked like this for a while.Purple Bell Pepper- green to chocolate brown or purple
These appear to be an ornamental pepper, albeit edible. Sweet Pickle Pepper- mature at 2" and fully ripened when deep red or purple
The White Bell pepper has yet to make an appearance.
White Bell Pepper- white to yellow to red
19 July 2010
The Great Book Case Shuffle of 2010
Oli was pretty good about staying out of the way for the most part. Except when I had the camera or the vacuum out. For the camera, he poses. For the vacuum, he chases and barks. It is a game.
I won't go through it all because, well, that's boring, and I already bored you with the plan. I started fairly early Friday morning and mostly I followed it, but I did hit a snafu midway through, adjusted my plan, and got through most of the list by bedtime Friday night.
I dusted and vacuumed and washed nearly every surface in my living room this weekend, getting to corners and nooks and crannies that can't normally be reached. A good thorough spring cleaning- in the middle of July.
18 July 2010
Lagging Zucchini
The zucchini are normally filling the kitchen table by this time of year. I bought plants this year, got them in the ground at a reasonable time, but they aren't doing very well. The soil here is decent, and I've never know zucchini to be that particular. My mom is having the same problem and we did get our plants at the same nursery. But one of my coworkers was talking about here zucchini harvest already.
Is anybody else out there having trouble with their summer squash?
16 July 2010
My 34 Point Plan
The shuffling part comes in because there is no empty spot at the moment. Currently there is a piece of furniture in every place that I want a different piece of furniture. Make senses? If it does, don't worry, I'm sure I'll loose you soon.
So here it is, my grand plan, in 34 steps:
1. Organize embroidery supplies.
2. Empty shelving unit that holds art books, stack books in dining room.
3. Dis-assemble art book shelving unit, set pieces aside, in dining room.
4. Clean empty spot.
5. Move crescent table and green chair to entry, temporarily.
6. Empty embroidery cabinet.
7. Carefully move embroidery cabinet to empty spot.
8. Re-fill embroidery cabinet.
9. Clean second empty spot.
10. Move Oliver's toys and chair aside.
11. Empty shelving unit in Oli's room.
12. Move dining room furniture aside, clearing path.
13. Get big guys to move big shelving unit to second empty spot.
14. Secure big shelving unit to wall using L-brackets.
15. Load genealogy materials and art books onto lower shelves.
16. Clean empty spot in Oliver's room.
17. Re-assemble first shelving unit in third empty spot.
18. Empty shelving unit in dining room.
19. Dis-assemble wide shelving unit.
20. Re-assemble wide shelving unit in third empty spot.
21. Reload wide shelving unit with stuff recently removed.
22. Carry all record albums from living room to Oli's room, re-loading first shelving unit.
23. Dis-assemble album shelving unit.
24. Re-assemble third shelving unit in Oliver's room.
25. Clean last empty spot.
26. Use baskets from Oliver's room to stow small stuff on large shelving unit in living room.
27. Move cookbooks to big shelving unit.
28. Stow large counter top appliances on new shelves in Oli's room.
29. Use baskets to stow extra non-perishables on new shelves.
30. Move green chair back.
31. Move crescent table to dining room, beside china closet.
32. Move peacock chair to dining room.
33. Vacuum everywhere.
34. Find homes for any clutter left behind.
It sounds like a lot, but I think I can knock it out in one solid day, if I stick with it. Of course that will depend on the availability of a guy to help move the giant bookcase. It doesn't have to go far, just straight out Oli's double doors, straight through the dining room, thought the double doors to the living room. Nothing to lift only 1/4 turn through the whole move. But it is mega heavy. I will also need someone who can install the L-brackets with minimal damage to the plaster.
15 July 2010
Busy, Busy
I forgot to take a picture of the windowsill now that it is clean, and I wasn't brave enough to take befores of either the porch or the kitchen windowsill. Just take my word for it, this is a drastic and great improvement. Ghetto-porch-b-gone!
I've also weeded about 80% of my garden, and now it is much easier to keep after. I know this every year going in, but what can I say, I'm lazy. As you can see from the front crescent bed, I'm a lazy gardener. I'm going for the wild, naturalized look this year. Yeah, that's it, naturalized... This does look better now, thought, as compared to a few weeks back.
First, I weeded and pulled out several dozen volunteer tomato plants, leaving only the strongest so that hopefully they will be productive. I see a lot of fruit on the plants I left, so that's promising. The malva has gotten taller than I imagined and for a little while I was worried that my cucumber (tucked way back in the corner) wouldn't get enough sunlight, but it seems to be doing just fine. I started the seeds a little late, but I think it will be okay.
You may also notice some new plants. Some purple leafed thing whose name I've forgotten and some purple petunias. I'm hoping they'll fill out a bit more to hide the ugly black landscape fabric. See how lazy I am? I should just mulch. But I'm cheap as well as lazy.
13 July 2010
Gloriosa Embroidered Pillowcases
The only other thing that gave me trouble was the color. Of course I didn't use the recommended colors, I had to go with my own. I'm still trying to use some of the thread I inherited. I started with the medium pink, but in the end I had to buy more thread to get the right red and light pink, so I'm not sure it was worth it. I think if I had to do it again I would try to use the recommended colors.
I used DMC cotton perle #8 in these colors:
Medium Red #304
Medium Rose #899
Light Salmon #761
Medium Pistachio Green #320