If you haven't seen what they look like now, check out this post.
27 November 2007
Kitchen Cabinets Bare
If you haven't seen what they look like now, check out this post.
Trimwork Question Answered
"Hi again. Just curious: what color stain did you use on your trim, and whatWell di, all of the original wood trim and doors in the house are American chestnut. The few places where we had to replicate trim in a room full of chestnut, we used red oak. The floors are white oak with white pine centers.
species of wood is it? Thanks!"
As for the stain... the simple answer is that nearly every room is different. The long answer is that every room was made to match itself because of the variety of conditions. In some rooms the trim had been painted white, when this was stripped, there was some white paint that simply would not come out of the grain. So, what the guys did was to wipe a stain or dye on, and wipe it right back off. It stuck to the paint, leaving the rest of the wood mostly its original color.
In other rooms, the trim had been painted wild colors like lilac, mint green, and even black. Yes, black. We kept coming up with this black, tarry stuff as we stripped the living room and entry, including on the fluted columns. We might never have known if I hadn't had a surprise visit from some ladies who grew up in the house around 1950-1970. They told me their mother was the first to paint the trim. She loved the mint green wall color she chose to go with the black trim. I can only assume this took place during the 60s. Anyway, these wild colors required a bit more work to get the wood back to a normal color. Different stains and dyes were mixed, and different combinations were used for different rooms. I'm sorry I don't have a more definitive answer.
26 November 2007
House Tour: Upstairs Hall After
No huge changes here, just repaired plaster walls, a new plaster ceiling, the carpet is gone, the wood floor is refinished, and all the trimwork has been stripped. You may notice there is a transom above the door to the side bedroom. I do have the window that goes there, but I need to purchase the hardware to make it operable before I can reinstall it. Right now the space is filled with cardboard (classy, I know). This is only temporary, and was put into place to keep that room cool this summer, because we only have window units right now.
Speaking of keeping things cool in the summer, we have installed a lovely whole-house fan. I love this thing. I do wish it weren't plastic, but what can you do? I'm told this model is special because of the way it is made, none of the joists had to be cut, the center of the fan rests on one and the fan takes up the space between two joists. Anyway, I'm so glad we put this in because it really helps keep the house cool most warm days. It is only during the most sweltering part of the summer that we resort to the air conditioners.
In order to enlarge the bathroom a bit, we bumped the bathroom doorway out into the hall a bit and changed the door so it swings inward. This looks totally natural because it is now flush with the chimney stack. Before there was this unnecessary inset for the bathroom door.
It should be noted, however, that moving this wall 18" required a visit from a building inspector, and he is the reason for the new structural support beam in the kitchen. Which he suggested should have always been there. I was all too happy to have that beam put into place, I didn't want to always wonder when the bathroom was going to come crashing down into the kitchen!
House Tour: Upstairs Hall Before

25 November 2007
Newel Post
House Tour: Staricase After
So, back to the carpeted staircase. We started pulling the carpet off at the top, worked down to the landing, so far so good. Okay, this was going pretty easily and quickly. A bit of grotty padding, lots of staples. Down each step, closer to the bottom. I'm laughing, loving how great the treads look. I should have known better than to rejoice until the job is done. So naive.
It is all going great until we get to the bottom step. Oh, you aren't going to be live this. Wait, yes you will. You housebloggers know what horrible things previous owners can do to a house. You see, the first riser, first tread, and second riser were covered with more than just carpet and padding. Someone had tried to put sheet vinyl on the stairs. Yup. Sheet vinyl. And not just any sheet vinyl, it was that fake parquet-looking stuff. You know it. You've seen it. Oh I wish I had taken pictures. Why didn't I? Well, it is still vivid in my memory, almost three years later.
It took me four days, my favourite putty knife, some whining and crying, and many bottles of dollar store nail polish remover. Why nail polish remover? Because the acetone cuts through the adhesive pretty well. Just saturated cheap paper towels, laid them over the gunky steps, sealed it with dollar store cling film, let it soak for a few hours, went back and scraped till my arms were sore. Repeat.
That bottom stair tread is still darker than the rest. And of course it couldn't be flipped because it is the only one that has the curve. Figures, right?
You can see a close up of that particular stair here. Just look under the puppy.
24 November 2007
23 November 2007
House Tour: Downstairs Bathroom After
Oliver spends hot days laying in the shower. Sometimes I run the cold water for a few seconds before I leave in the morning. The large shower head continues to drip water (not from a leak, just pressure) for a while, and I have seen Oli chase the drops, trying to bite them. So, fun and cool.
The shower pan, sink, toilet, and all faucets are from American Standard.
I love the taller toilet. I belive American Standard calls it right-height. They are between 17 and 18" tall. I think most "standard" toilets are between 12 and 14" tall. Trust me, those extra couple of inches in height make a big difference. I realize this might be a strange thing to talk about in some circles, but I want to let any housblogger out there know: if you are replacing your toilet, and going with something brand new, give the taller toilet a try. I'm not a tall person (5'4"), but many in my family are a bit on the tall side. My fibromyalgia causes pain in my hips, and I seriously appreciate not having to crouch so much. Okay, that's enough about toilet preferences.
The counter and the shower walls are Swanstone. The cabinets are from KraftMaid. The floor is cork.
Oliver likes the cork floors because they do help to insulate a bit better. It can get very chilly in this bathroom during the winter since it is over an uninsulated part of the basement.
I'm very pleased with this bathroom. We had it completed before we gutted the upstairs bathroom, so we would have a place to bathe and other necessities. I know it isn't very old looking, and I never intended it to be. We are fairly certain this bathroom was not part of the original floorplan, so it didn't have to look original. Instead, we tried to keep with the overall feel of the house. Quality cabinets, fixtures, faucets. High ceilings, and original woodwork.
House Tour: Downstairs Bathroom Before

This teeny-weenie sink and toilet would go, and they would be reversed in position before it was all said and done. This was the only way we could fit a sink, toilet and shower into this tiny space. Plus, it kept all the hot water lines along an interior wall.

House Tour: Oliver's Room After
This area used to be the back hall, but we took out the wall dividing it from the back porch room. It was not a load-bearing wall, and it opened up the space. Now you can do figure 8s around the downstairs. Which does happen sometimes, if I am chasing Oli when he has stolen something. He thinks it is great fun, I think it makes it hard to corner him.
We had to replace about four feet of floor boards in the back hall. They are not a perfect color match to the rest of the back porch room, but they are mellowing with age, and after only two years it isn't nearly as obvious as it was when the floors were first refinished.
We removed all the paneling: 1950s and 1970s. We took out the drop ceilings and gained 18-24" of height. And we added three spots of recessed lighting to this room. Mom had Jeff, our fabulous electrician, put nearly every light in the house on dimmer switches. A bit overboard, but often appreciated. ... or get a better view by perching himself a little higher while sitting on his chair.
House Tour: Oliver's Room Before

This is the back hall, a tiny space with a big radiator, 70s paneling, vinyl flooring, and drop ceilings.
I suspect the wire hanging above the radiator was a place to dry clothes.
The back hall is adjacent to this room, which we called the back porch room for the two years before Oliver arrived.
The back porch room suffered many afflictions: 1950s paneling, no lighting, an ugly ceiling fan, no heat, another "trailer window" which did not open, a lowered ceiling covered in tiles. Remember my previous owner's affection for wall shelves?
However, this room did have some snazzy built-ins. Monsterously heavy drawers, built out of plywood and paneling, sometime in the 1950s. These had to go, but we kept the drawers, built new frames for them, put them on heavy-duty gliders, and they now house tools, painting supplies, etc. in the basement.
Take a close look at the floor in the photo above. That is a change in the flooring. On the left is the portion that used to be part of the dining room, then there was a transition strip of duct tape, then the original porch floor. They just had a piece of carpet loose over this floor- no padding.
The lovely French doors, painted white, that lead to the dining room.
I certainly wouldn't have wanted to use this room as my bedroom: no heat, no ventilation, no natrual light, no privacy. Nice, huh?
21 November 2007
Kitchen details- the cabinets
Kitchen details
I have six spots of recessed lighting in the ceiling, one pretty fixture over the sink, and small halogen spots under the cabinets. I kind of wish I had known more about LED lighting when we were choosing lighting. I have halogen or incandescent everywhere, absolutely no fluorescent. I realize that fluorescent is far more energy efficient, and I am all for that, but fluorescent lighting is a migraine trigger for me. So it was strictly forbidden.
When we got down to the plaster, we realized it was pretty beat. It wasn't falling away from the lath, but it was just in bad shape. So, we decided to cover it with new beadboard. I don't know if this kitchen ever had beadboard walls, but I don't care. I like it, and I think it looks appropriate for a 1930 bungalow.
I've always loved beadboard. White bead board walls. But that wouldn't look right with the white cabinets. And I didn't want to commit the cabinets to a color I would grow tired of. I wanted a green kitchen. Depression green. Grandma's kitchen green. But I knew I didn't want green cabinets. So, I thought maybe we’d paint or do a green stain on the beadboard walls, something that will show the grain. Nobody else liked the idea. Well, I let the guys talk me out of it. I'm glad they did, I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out, and I'm not married to any one color.
My stepmother, Kathy, kindly thought of me when her own daughter was moving out of an apartment where she had her own practically new (one year) appliances to an apartment that already had them. And while almond wasn't my first color choice, I'm so grateful to have them: they are far more energy efficient than the stuff left behind by the previous owners, plus they were free.
20 November 2007
House Tour: Kitchen After
I took these pictures early one Saturday morning, before I got the kitchen really messy again with cooking for a crowd.
We did so much to this kitchen, I hardly know where to start.
I'll just do a quick run down, details to follow.
garden window
beadboard walls
crown molding and plate rail
structural support beam
lighting, general and task
door and window trim
knobs, pulls, hinges
sink and faucet
range hood
Nearly New:
fridge (one year)
stove (three years)
wood floor
House Tour: Kitchen Under Construction

The loss of lower cabinets for the sake of a dishwasher- well worth it. And the loss of upper cabinets because of a necessary new structural support beam- not really missed.