29 June 2010
Swirl Flowers Stamped Kit

25 June 2010
Overgrown Already!
This bed is in the sun until around 7:00, so it is nice to work on in the evening. I'm thinking of getting a bag of mulch to cover some of the black landscape fabric. By this time last year you couldn't even see it, but the flowers I put out front haven't spread out as much as expected. Maybe I should get a flat each of yellow marigolds and purple petunias instead. Yeah, that would be prettier. Hmm, I see a trip to Noggle's nursery in my weekend plans...
23 June 2010
Quick Non-Progress Report
The bell peppers have sprouted more peppers, but none of those are ready yet, either. I'm really looking forward to my green beans. Mmm, mmm! Lightly steamed, salted and buttered. Nothing better.
I really need to get out there and weed- the crabgrass is taking over. It is just entirely too hot during the day. I need to wait until at least 7:00 in the evening to go out. Luckily, that still gives me two hours of daylight at this time of year.
19 June 2010
Blue Daisies Embroidered Pillowcases
17 June 2010
Bell Pepper Crop for 2010
I think mom usually buys "gypsy" bell peppers for me. Mom and John plant tons of peppers, both bell and hot, but I'm not interested in messing with hot peppers. Besides, if I should need one for something, I know I can just get a pepper from their crop. We do eat quite a few bell peppers, though, and since our small crop didn't produce very well last year, I'm giving the peppers extra attention this year. That includes, a better location, some shelter between the tomato plants, plant supports and veggie food pellets mixed into the soil.
This year I selected these varieties:
Purple Bell Pepper
Golden Summer Bell Pepper
White Bell Pepper
Sweet Pickle Bell Pepper
I don't really know much about any of these varieties, but don't they sound pretty? I think they will be a nice colorful addition to the veggie tray at this summer's parties. I'm sure I can bum some regular green and red ones from mom to fill things out.
16 June 2010
Tomato Crop for 2010
The guy at my local nursery gave me a few sad tomato plants at the end of their selling season last summer. I nursed them and they produced a few fruits. They were amazing, and even planted beside my usual standby varieties like "better boy", the heirloom varieties did not suffer from the tomato blight like the hybrids. I think we had a "black heirloom", "green zebra", something small and yellow whose name I've forgotten (maybe lemon?) and a "Cherokee purple". I think we liked the flavor of the black tomato best (it isn't really black, just a dark purple) and it is a very meaty tomato. Maybe they aren't all heirlooms, but they are certainly flavorful and unusual.
There were so many varieties to choose from this year, and I kind of went overboard, buying 7 different kinds of tomatoes.
Burgess Stuffer
Cherokee Purple
Yellow Pear
Green Zebra
White Beauty
Black Heirloom
I'll post each one as we try them and note what we like about them. This will also help me make better (or more) selections next year.
One thing I skipped this year is my usual "sweet millions" which is a super sweet cherry tomato. I have several dozen volunteers coming up here and there and I'm sure at least one of them will turn out to be a "sweet millions". We usually have more fruit from them than we know what to do with anyway. I can always pop them into one of the large planters and keep them on the edge of the porch or beside Oli's door. I left room in each bed next to the door because Oli- and his rope- are usually pretty rough on the plants closest to the door!
I was extremely tempted by the Tomato Chocolate Cherry from the Park Seed catalog that arrived in late winter, but I knew I wouldn't be starting seeds this year, so I refrained. Maybe next year...
Here are my first two tomatoes, "tigerella":
I'm really looking forward to all the blt sandwiches we'll have for dinner this summer!
15 June 2010
Beans, Green and Yellow
Those are volunteer marigolds or possibly cosmos growing behind the fence. Not sure how they will do. Then the row of beans in front of the fence, and nasturtium seeds were planted in the 4 circles in front of the beans. Volunteer cosmos to the left, at the end of this bed. Good to prevent soil erosion, bad because it may overshadow the beans on that end.
I planted "tendergreen" and some kind of yellow bean, variety unknown. Mom gave me the seeds, she may or may not know.
I just hope I have planted enough beans to have more than one single serving every couple of days, like last year. It would be nice to be able to serve them at dinner. Ooh, that reminds me, I've been on the prowl for a new steamer...
14 June 2010
Eh, Sorry, Wrong Number
Eh, sorry. I've got The Cure stuck in my head.
Since we 've been on the topic of wrong numbers, I thought I'd share a couple of other frequent, but far less irritation wrong numbers we get calls for.
My home phone number is very similar to that of my grandparent's business, a number I've known my whole life. In fact, only the last digit is different. I figured I would get calls for them, but I never have. However, I have given the shop phone number out a few times and my grandmother just gives them the right number! I figure I may as well pass on the favor.
I frequently get calls for a local independent auto parts store, whose last digit is the only difference. When we first got voicemail I got several increasingly frantic phone calls from some poor woman who was desperately trying to get in contact with them. Mom called back and spoke to her sister, explaining that she had mis-dialed (8 times) and wished her luck in getting her car fixed. The sister was very nice and apologised. I have now memorized the auto parts store's number so I can tell people where they meant to call.
More recently, I have received a few calls for one of our local banks, who I also have accounts with. That one is more of a curiosity because the 4th and 7th digits are off from mine. I don't have that one memorized yet.
I've saved the best one for last. The first time I gave my now dear friend Heather my phone number, she paused while writing and gave me a quizzical look. I repeated it. She started laughing and told me that number was a reverse of her grandparent's phone number!
I get a lot of wrong calls, so it is hard to say how many I've gotten for Heather's grandparents over the years, but since I've become aware of it, I know of at least three. The first one really caught me by surprise. The caller id showed a local number and a name that seemed familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. When I answered the woman asked for Jack. I was confused, not putting the pieces together until several minutes later. The night before we all had attended an event held by the local historical society. Heather's grandfather was involved in planting heirloom varieties of apple trees on the property of a building they are restoring. The woman's name from the caller id had also spoken during the informal ceremony, and I recalled hearing her tell Heather's grandfather that she would call him to discuss another upcoming event.
Sometimes I marvel at what a small town I live in.
11 June 2010
Just Because
10 June 2010
Malva Zebrina
It seems they self-seeded and I now have a ton of them coming up along the back of the crescent bed. That is good, right where I want them to be. They will look so pretty mingling with the cucumber plant. It will be this mass of vining green leaves and then here and there, surprise! A little pop of color from those pinky-purple petals.
I've recently read that when they self-seed the flowers may not be true to the variety you originally planted. I say, who cares when they are this pretty?
09 June 2010
Oliver and Thunder and Lightning

We passed two more houses and he stopped again. He hadn't been walking with his normal gusto and wasn't even interested in the other dog a block away, walking toward us. Something was up. I got down to his level, petting, soothing, trying to figure out what was up with my guy. The the heat lightning flashed a bit stronger than it had been and he stiffened up even more. Hmm. Storms don't generally bother him, but it seemed he didn't like being outside during the thunder and lightning. I didn't think much of it because the heat lightning and rumbles of thunder had been going on for several hours by then.
I asked him if he just wanted to go back home, and he was more than ready. We trotted back to the house at a clipping pace. I made him sit on the porch steps with me for a few minutes before we went in. I wanted him to get comfortable being outside, with mommy's protection, while the sky flashed and rumbled. I did my best to make him feel safe and not make a huge deal over it. We did this with him for the first couple of storms when he was a puppy, and we thought they didn't bother him. I guess that only did part of the job.
So now we know. Oliver is fine with storms from the safety of the house, but he doesn't want to be outside when there is thunder and lightning.
08 June 2010
Why the Painted Plywood?

I really figured we would lose power, so I cleared the kitchen table and set lit a candle in the center. Then I headed upstairs for the small flashlights we keep in the night stand. I usually have one under the kitchen sink, too, but couldn't find that one. Must remember to track that down.
As I was going up the stairs it occurred to me that I should shut the air conditioner off, as it was cooling outside, and if the power did go off, I didn't want any problems if we had a surge when it came back on. I was about halfway into the room when my bare feet encountered a huge puddle. Rain was coming in through the air conditioner! The wind was blowing the rain horizontal and so hard that it was coming in through the vents.
I was momentarily stunned. I just stood there, taking it all in. All this water. And you know how these floors are- water runs straight through and next thing you know you have wet plaster on the dining room ceiling. So don't need that. I grabbed some towels and started mopping things up. It soon dawned on me that not all the water was coming in through the air conditioner. The curtains were soaked, I pulled them off. That's when I saw what you see in the pictures above. I couldn't understand it. I thought maybe the top sash had come down a bit, allowing water in, but that seemed unlikely since most of them are still painted shut (one of these years we'll get around to that).
I mopped up all the water the best I could, having to move furniture out of the way. Of course most of the clothes piled on the desk in front of the windows had gotten wet. Then I discovered that the quilt on the bed was wet. I started peeling back layers when I stepped in more water. Under the bed! Of course the puddle under the bed had golden retriever dust bunnies to add to the fun.
Eventually I got it all mopped up, moved all the wet clothes and bed linens out of the room and set up a fan to dry the wall. The storm had died off by then and thankfully the electricity never did go out. I put fresh linens on the bed and called it a night.
07 June 2010
Vintage Deco Flowers
I'm a sucker for cotton muslin.I ordered this set of antique pillowcases from ebay. One was completed, the other barely started. The finished case is much whiter than the unfinished one, but I had no way of knowing if the unfinished case would wash up after it was stitched. It didn't. Actually, it is a bit better, but not much. I don't think I'll ever do this again. The fabric is far better than anything I could buy today in a kit, but the whole time I was working this pillowcase, I kept thinking, I don't know where this has been, who handled it over the past several decades. And of course, you can't wash it before you finish stitching because the stamped pattern is water soluble. It made me want to wash my hands repeatedly.
Also, my stitching is very different from the original stitcher's. I connect my cross stitches, but the other pillowcase is stitched with each X independent. That is why my case looks darker.
I'll be keeping this set for myself, but I hope to do the pattern again on a clean, new set of pillowcases.See, the real draw was the original pattern included. I fell in love with those deco flowers. Next time I'll use deco colors!
I painstakingly matched up the wild colors chosen by some unknown person long ago.
DMC rose #335
DMC aquamarine #3814
DMC medium tangerine #741
06 June 2010
Squash Sautee
04 June 2010
Getting Back in the Garden
I'm hoping Lewis puts my squash fence in today- he said he would, but he may run out of time. The plumber is coming again today to fix the hot water heater. Luckily, the whole shebang did not need replaced. It was something to do with a valve, which became blocked. The plumber thinks he can fix it, but if he can't, they only need to replace this $50 valve. That plus labor, of course. But still way better that a whole new hot water heater.
Anyway, if Lewis gets the squash fence in, then I can plant my yellow squash and zucchini tonight. I didn't use mom's seeds. Noggle's had peat pots for $.99, so I just bought 3 zucchini plants. I know buying plants isn't as economical as starting seeds, and I feel badly about that this year, but I knew I just didn't have the ambition and energy to get them started when they needed to be. Next year. I also plan to plant beans from seed and hopefully I can just get them in the ground tonight. Then I'll pretty much be done. That will feel good.
I've given up on planting on the fence line this year, too. I adjusted my carefully thought out plans and cut back a bit. I don't want to plant more than I can handle. Also, just walking around that side is treacherous. The bed is full of weeds and it stresses Oli out when he can't see me. Maybe we can get that strip under control this summer, and I won't have to worry about damaging my veggies. We'll see.
03 June 2010
Garden Update