Way back in March I had big dreams and a carefully thought out garden plan. And for the most part, I've stuck to that list. Pared down a little here, got a few unplanned purchases, but that is to be expected. I'm glad I went into the nursery with a plan. Sometimes I get in those greenhouses and, I don't know if it is the heat or the riot of color, or both, but I just get impulsive.
That is one of the things I was really worried about this year. I knew early in the spring I didn't have quite the gusto I usually do, so managing my energy was really key. I didn't want to overdo it and plant more than I can care for. That happened last year, but I think that was mainly do to the major life change of starting a new job in July. I was busy and my garden suffered. Most of what we harvested we gave away. I want to avoid that this year. Not the sharing part, but I plan to use as much of what we grow as possible. Plan meals around what will be ripe that night.
I gave away so much zucchini last year. Nearly all of it, and I love zucchini. I have so many great recipes. Not this year. We are planting fewer zucchini plants, but adding a couple of yellow summer squash. And I plan to slice and freeze it.
Sometime this winter it occurred to me that I've been buying this bag of mixed squash- paying for something that I grew the previous summer and gave away. We love to saute this stuff, it makes a great side dish. I've even been known to make a whole bag as a meal for myself.

So, I'm standing there in the grocery store, irritated with myself. And I made this decision. I was going to get a crinkle cutter and freeze my own bags of squash.
I scouted the kitchen shops and specialty stores and finally found what I wanted from Oxo Good Grips, and ordered it from Amazon, who else? My only worry is that the squash will freeze together in a big lump. I don't have room in my freezer to lay the slices out on a cookie sheet for flash freezing. I'll have to experiment this summer.

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